Energy Mastery

In 2014 I was at rock bottom, emotionally, mindfully, physically and financially.  I had lost both my parents and was stuck in traumatic patterning.  The only thing that I had left was my spiritual connection. Circumstances forced me to increase this relationship – as it was the only lifeline I had.

In late August 2014, one warm early Autumnal Saturday, two female colleagues came over to visit me.  I was panicking as I didn’t have the money to pay for coffee, yes things were that bad!  Luckily, they wanted to sit in circle, so no coffee was needed so … we did some spiritual mediation work together and sat in sacred space.

I prayed and prayed and told my guides that I could not go on anymore and that I needed everything to change. They told me to gather my tribe, gather my people and let them use my voice as a vehicle for them to speak through. Also, to use the sacred weekends of Equinox, Solstice and the 4 seasons to channel guidance to support my tribe both in life and leadership.

I gathered my tribe, I created these sacred events and I stood and channelled the wisdom I was given to impart.

The 12 Sacred Steps

What I channelled was the 12 Sacred Steps of Advanced Living and Leadership.

These were subsequently transcribed and became a body of work that I shared with my clients and community.  

Fast forward 5 years …

5 years needed to pass as I was asked to commit fully to the understanding of these 12 Sacred Steps and embody this knowledge into my life’s work.

If we as human consciousness had not weakened or distrusted our connection to source, then we would be advanced enough not to need the 12 additional steps.  We would just need 1 Sacred Step, the 13th Sacred Step.  However, these 12 Sacred Steps help us to integrate a way of life and leadership that brings us closer to the source within us and the ultimate infinite divine power. Helping us to connect to divine wisdom.

The 13th Step

The channeling of the 13th Sacred Step was presented to me in September 2019.  By merging the 1st and the 12th Sacred Step a higher frequency was created.  The 1st Sacred Step is to see through the eyes of source and the 12th Sacred Step is about truly understanding appreciation for life. 

The Process

Work with me for 1 year during an intensive container to master your energy.

Commitment required

Receive the 13 Sacred Steps. These steps enable you to create a way of leading and living that is congruent with your vision. Bringing a different perspective to your leadership potential.  

Assisting you through your spiritual and personal development, to live life in alignment with your values, understand your purpose led blueprint and advance your beliefs.

In every moment, the fulfilment of life is seen through the lens of your eyes. This spiritual perspective creates changes in the perception of your reality; which is a very high frequency to reach.  These sacred teachings I share with you, form my purpose led blueprint.

The outcome

  • Appreciate more present moments as a gift.

  • Expose a different way of perceiving, thinking and feeling.

  • Create from a place of peace and serenity.

  • Work from a place of flow with your life and leadership.


…you are the sacred human and it is time to expose the soul.