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Energy Mastery - Beyond Your Awareness

Energy Mastery 

Aspire to the 5 Arts of potentiality and step out of the familiar. Your relationship to yourself is the governance for all your experiences. Trust is a gateway to accessing the frequency of faith.

Your destiny is written in the stars and then placed in your hands. You have the freedom to walk forward with trust or be frozen within your own self-created illusion of fear.

You have all the answers within you. You are innately connected to the infinite source of wisdom and yet you doubt the power that you hold to create so much potentiality. 

When you take an intuitive review on how you are relating to yourself, you have the opportunity to receive golden nuggets that grace you with the insight to know what does and does not serve your next level self. 

Some time ago I was given the 5 Arts of potentiality which examines how we relate to ourselves. Highlighting a deeper understanding of you as a person, gives you the ability to make more informed choices. This level of connection to your own spirit is the priceless gift of emotional wellness, mindful congruency and spiritual discovery into the infinite potential you hold. 

The 5 arts of potentiality 

1. Fulfilment makes each moment magical - Do we feel appreciation for where you are right now?

2. Openness opens doors to opportunities - How honest are you with yourself?

3. Clarity is the ability to focus on the new - How well do you know yourself?

4. Flexibility is the letting go of limitations – Are you happy with the rhythm of your development?

5. Personality is powerful – Do you put your passion into action?

Are you ready to move beyond your current awareness?

Set new standards

Know you are worthy 

Aspire to your greatest self 

Then join me on Monday 18th October 7pm until 7.30 pm for a free discussion group... 

21 September

Beyond Your Equinox

21 October

The Energy Mastery Experience