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The 13th Step. A spiritual sacred path.
The 13th Step. A spiritual sacred path.
For the spirited leader, who desires to prosper from peace to potentiality.
The steps enable you to create a way of leading and living that is congruent with your vision. Bringing a different perspective to your leadership potential.
Assisting you through your spiritual and personal development, to live life in alignment with your values, to understand your purpose led blueprint and advance your beliefs.
In every moment, the fulfilment of life is seen through the lens of your eyes.
This spiritual perspective creates changes in the perception of your reality.
This is a very high frequency to reach.
These sacred teachings I share with you, form my part of my purpose led blueprint.
· Appreciate being present in every moment.
· Expose a different way of perceiving, thinking, and feeling.
· Create from a place of peace and serenity.
· Work from a place of flow with your life and leadership
. Connect to the power of return to 13.
The 13th step is are magical moments of deep transformation, once accessed it deepens your emotional spiritual connection to everything you are and do.
This day will be a channelled day of spiritual guidance, knowledge, and wisdom, for advanced living and leadership. An alignment to a deep spirited way of being.
Places are limited to 13 people to enable an individual channellings as well as a collective channellings.
Tickets are available on Ticket Tailor. Click below to purchase.