Beyond Your Awareness


We live in emotionally charged times. If you are someone that is in a position of authority or power within your own business or a corporation, the current climate will require you to have a deeper understanding of yourself so you can lead in an entirely new way. 

Working within the intelligences of your current understanding is simply not enough to raise the bar on the self-discovery that is required to take you to your next level leadership. The change that is called for, requires you to go BEYOND YOUR AWARENESS and to heighten your consciousness around the truth of your current experiences. 

Whether it is creation, complexity, or confusion, what you are experiencing is not what it appears to be. You are the influencer, the calling is to understand your experiences from a spiritual perspective. 

A place where the external circumstance is completely irrelevant because it’s all about the change in YOU. 

Knowing what personality traits do not serve you is a priory to your leadership. Your life experiences will surely be showing you a lesson or two.  A new perspective will present itself to you and it will be a universal requirement to implement a new way within your own persona. A way that is ancient, all knowing, all considering and consuming of the humanity needed to lead in a way that benefits all. A single-minded, self-centred, ‘suits me’ only approach is not sustainable. 

Certainty comes when you know how to lead in a way that promotes potentiality for people. 

This intense ascension of oneself can only happen when you are ready and willing to enter a deeper connection with the power of your higher self and an infinite higher power. Your current consciousness awareness is not enough. The spirit of truth in your life and leadership lessons, lie beyond your current awareness. You will have to be the seeker of yourself if you want to make an impact with your own potentiality.

If you identify with these words, then stop for a moment. Give yourself some space and time. Move out of your head, do not analyse, or try and figure anything out. Instead surrender to your higher self and simply begin to create a new understanding from a place of decoding your emotions and the messages your inner being is speaking to you. Trust in yourself and your own intuition.

Ask your higher self and an infinite divine power to show you the way to lead, to heal and to seek the wholeness within you that opens your heart, to know what you need to change. Flow with the pace and do not push for the change you seek, for it will present itself in the realms of Universal timing. 


Business changes. Beyond your current perspective.


Creative Spirituality... Embrace The Unknown